Apr 26, 2012

Purging and Packing

When I moved into my current place two years ago I thought I did a pretty good job of purging before I packed. Well, I've found quiet a few boxes that never got unpack. So I've found new homes for those items and I can start working on everything else.

My idea is to divide and concur one small area at a time. Each area will be sorted into Keep It, Toss It, Donate It and Sale It. This way when moving day finally comes I'll have less to move and maybe a few bucks in my pocket to bribe movers with.

My goal for today was to pack up my desktop and computer desk. I managed to get it all in two boxes and have a nice little pile of things to list on Craig's List.

If I can keep it all up, I'll have my free day off (next Friday) to tackle my closet, which includes, clothes, magick, craft and storage. Thru OurLittleApartment I was introduced to Project 333, which I've already taken the first pass at my wardrobe and will be finalizing when I get to packing my closet.