For the last four months I've been working 12-13 hour days (not including travel time between jobs and home) and even managed to juggle three jobs for about a month. Speaking of work, I accepted an IT software development Project Manager position with the government. It's been a rough transition into the team, but the developers have finally realized that I understand what they are saying I just don't know the specifics of their applications (I don't hold a masters in IT/IS for nothing you know). As of this coming Sunday I will only be working one job and be able to get more than 5 hours of sleep.
In other big news I moved out of my apartment and into a shared house this week. In the process of down sizing and preparing for the move I had a small set back in down sizing due to some purchasing frenzies the move created. I'm working on taming that and trying to buy handicrafts or organic products. But I did make great strides in reducing my belonging.
- ✓FreeCycled Couch
- ✓Dresser returned to parents house
- ✓Bed frame returned to parents house
- ✓Desk returned to parents house
- ✓Bedside table returned to parents house
- ✓Cleaned out old papers from desk and "to be filed" jumbo box
Things that have backslide:
- Homemade Shampoo/Conditioner -- I had a scalp issue that I tried to resolve with organic shampoo/conditioner, then the ACV stopped detangling my hair...looking for alternatives now
- Make deodorant -- Currently using Tom of Maine’s deodorant due to coconut oil melting
- Ban fast food -- Haven't been home enough to avoid fast food :(
- Eliminate red meat from my diet – I haven't been sticking to :(