I am giving myself a Summer of Buying Nothing Challenge, June 10th to September 10th. The following items will be exempt from "buying nothing" but will be restricted to a budgeted amount:
- Groceries and Jenny Craig food
- Gas for Zoё
- Maintenancefor Zoё
- Pre-existing bills
- Medication and doctor's visits
- Yoga monthly membership
- Magick and coven supplies
- A small Father's Day gift and/or card
- DMV fees for Zoё and new driver's license
Along with buying nothing, I will also be evaluating where I can reduce the things I don't need/don't use now that I have a clearer understanding of the items I use in my much smaller (but bigger than I hoped for) space--yah no more two bedroom apartment, hello shared house. I will also be looking at where I can make changes in my current routine that will allow for me to make further reductions, such has using the communal microwave down stairs and selling my personal microwave. Sadly I had to purchase a refrigerator because there was literally no room for me to even have a gallon of milk communally stored (but I did choose a small energy star fridge/freezer combo).
So what does this mean right now? Well it means I'm gonna have to find a hair detangling option from what I got that doesn't leave my hair greasy and actually detangles. I've tried ACV, lavender water and coconut oil and I'm still shooting blanks. This weekend is DMV, Zoё maintenance and recouping from my reunion last weekend.