Oct 15, 2009

The half way more for October

I'm back among the living, mostly.  The sudden drop in temperature cause a small leak in my nasal cavity.  Apparently four days of rest of not enough as my body hasn't wanted to get out of bed all week, but that could be do to the fact that even when I'm dog tired I can't fall asleep.  I must be more nocturnal than I thought.

So the month is half over, how are my challenges going?
→Ban fast food -- I've only eaten fast food once in the last 15 days, and I'm mighty proud
→Begin a daily meditation -- the meditations are going slowly but surely, but I haven't managed to slow down too much yet (ergo my nearly running people over in Wegman's yesterday)
→Declutter apartment room by room -- The clutter in the apartment is substantially down.  I don't quiet feel ready to check this off just yet as I'm still setting up things in the newly reorganized living room, but this will definitely be checked off by the end of the month.
→DivaCup Mastery -- more to come on this later.
→Eliminate meat from my diet  -- I'm doing pretty well on this with the exception of eating out, until I can handle more veggies that may not change, but otherwise I'm cooking meat-free at home
→Introduce Green Smoothies into my diet -- week one was a success, week two was hit and miss literally-one smoothie went down just fine but the second did not due to too much spinach.  I've restocked the smoothie essentials and will try for three smoothies in the next six days.
→Use up pre-packaged items in apartment  
-- this is still going a little at a time.

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